Vekoma's Web Page

Labrador Retriever  : :  Female  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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Vekoma needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping her get a new start?

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About Vekoma

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $350.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black
  • Current Size: 80 Pounds
  • Current Age: 7 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: Low
  • Shedding Amount: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: Species
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

"Vekoma has settled into her foster home beautifully and is officially on the mend!  She loves going for her daily walks and is a real trooper when it comes to her range of motion and strengthening exercises.  She especially enjoys the moist heat therapy and massage every morning, and she takes doctor's orders seriously when it comes to napping!  Vekoma has overcome tremendous pain and still has a lot of healing to do, but her sweet, gentle nature shines through!  She's calm and affectionate, and a joy to her foster family."

The Back Story:

This sweet Black Lab was hit by a car and left for dead. Thanks to the efforts of our friends Duck Team 6 she was taken to DAS where some TSBR Super-Troopies have just sprung her and she is currently enroute to the hospital for stabilization and much needed pain medication. 

We know she has some serious injuries and will post an update when we have one but she will require hospitalization over the Memorial holiday. 

Vekoma Update 5/26 PM

Following being Hit by Car, Vekoma was transferred for stabilization care to Summerfields Animal Hospital in North Texas. 

Exam and X-rays demonstrated severe luxation of both hips, and a serious pulmonary contusion forming with lung field changes and an enlarged heart. 

Due to her respiratory compromise, surgical reduction is currently not possible. Vekoma will remain in intensive care to provide adequate pain management and support pending improvement of her pulmonary status.  Once she is more stable we will attempt closed reductions under general anesthesia however it is likely we will have to convert to open reductions on each leg. 

Vekoma Update 5/28

Wow is this girl a fighter! Thank you to all our Troopies near and far throwing prayers up for this girl.  Todays news brought significant improvement of her g contusions and respiratory status. Yay!!!

As a result this clears the way for the surgical team who will attempt tomorrow to reduce her dislocated legs under general anesthesia. This is a complicated procedure that requires an epidural and high level pain management along with multiple Veterinarians assisting. 

This is her best chance at saving function in her legs! So keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming tomorrow!

Vekoma Update 6/1


Vekoma’s record like her name sake is a mixed bag but it only takes one big win and that’s what we are still hoping for. 

We’ve seen tremendous improvement in her contusions and internal injuries following being hit by a car. That improvement allowed the surgical team to attempt closed reductions of her severely dislocated hips under general anesthesia this week. 

While they were able to stabilize the hips the muscles and ligaments were too weak to maintain the stability for even a few moments while in surgery to allow them to complete the procedure as planned. 

The team made the decision to reduce and sling her left side that was the worse of the two and to give her 2 weeks to determine if it could remain stable enough to attempt the procedure again on the right. 

Because neither side are stable without intervention and neither side can bear weight to allow surgical intervention on the other - the options are challenging and few. 

Her best hope is a patient, deliberate approach to saving her function. This takes time, significant veterinary care, and lots of pain management and rest. 


VEKOMA UPDATE  6/16/2019

This girl just can’t catch a break! Despite every effort and our awesome Veterinary team, Vekoma remains hospitalized and now headed for a very long and difficult surgery day tomorrow. 

Our greatest hope was for the success of the closed reductions and preservation of her future function, without causing her more harm. Unfortunately, the delay in being able to operate due to her pulmonary and chest injuries and bleeding risks following being hit by a car, also set up a scenario for her hind end that has not played out as planned. 

On Thursday of this week X-rays of her limbs resulted in an immediate dislocation and loss of stability. This made surgery an imminent necessity.  After significant consultation, the best plan was made and Tomorrow Monday 6/17 the orthopedic surgeon will attempt open reductions bilaterally.  

Surgical Management of Coxofermoral Luxations is a complicated process and there are many variables that will only be known once the joint capsules can be directly visualized. 

The Capsulorrhaphy surgery will be performed with a plan for prosthetic capsule placement if needed, in which case they will most likely use toggle pins. This is a major surgery with significant risk. The risks however are far greater to Vekoma if her pelvis becomes unstable, she converts to full fractures, or she must lose both her hind limbs. 

The estimate for surgery tomorrow exceeds our care projections by over $4K.  It is simply not optional at this point to humanely care for her without taking this step.  Vekoma will need to remain hospitalized for at least a week post operatively. Additionally placement of fentanyl patches and IV pain management and antibiotics is a necessity and of significant expense. 


Our sweet Vekoma made us proud today. She is a real trooper and rolls with the punches - of which she continues to have more than her fair share. 

While the surgical plan was to perform open reductions of her hips today with capsule stabilization, the reality once the team got in there was grim. 

Despite multiple extensive radiographs and radiologist review, what could not be seen was multiple fractures that would completely derail the game plan train. These fractures occurred due the trauma of hip dislocation during the accident. 

Instead the surgeons made the difficult decision to convert to a bilateral Femoral Head Ostectomy. Structural damage and her condition prevented other immediate options. The good news is that once she gets through the post operative phase with some physical therapy and rehab we hope that she will make a full recovery and be active and pain free. 
Vekoma will remain hospitalized for the next week. 

More about Vekoma

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Even-tempered

Other Pictures of Vekoma (click to see larger version):

Vekoma Vekoma Vekoma Vekoma
Vekoma Vekoma Vekoma